Range of the Red Winged Blackbird; map for sample iPad brochure app
I have created interactive maps for a sample iPad brochure, collaborating with David Farr of Imagesmythe. http://imagesmythe.com/
In order to view the app and experience its interactivity, you must download the Adobe Content Viewer to your iPad. You can find it here in the iTunes Store:
Or search manually in the App Store on your iPad to find it.
After installation, sign in with the following name and password:
n: imagesmytheipad@imagesmythe.com
p: imagepad
After you log in, “Exploring Western National Parks – Sample Brochure” will appear asking you if you wish to download it—do so.
This sample app was created to demonstrate appearance and interactivity, and as such contains dummy data. Most copy is from the Western National Parks Association website. Most photographs are from Stephen Penland. You can view Stephen’s beautiful photographs at his website: